

    Camma Damsted Receives PhD Scholarship

    Today, Camma Damsted, MHSc was offered admission to a PhD study from 1/2/2015 to 31/1/2018 with Associate Professor Henrik Sørensen as main supervisor, Post-Doctoral Researcher Rasmus Nielsen and Professor Erik Parner as co-supervisors.

    Today, Camma Damsted, MHSc was offered admission to a PhD study from 1/2/2015 to 31/1/2018 with Associate Professor Henrik Sørensen as main supervisor, Post-Doctoral Researcher Rasmus Nielsen and Professor Erik Parner as co-supervisors.

    Furthermore, Camma was offered a fully financed PhD fellowship. Camma accepts this offer and is, therefore, now affiliated to Section for Sports Science, Department of Public Health, Aarhus University.

    The title of the PhD project is: "The influence of various running programs on the development of running-related injuries". The purpose of the studies is to investigate if running programs with changes in weekly distances between 5% and 30% affects the risk of injury differently.

     The RUNSAFE team wish Camma the best of luck during her PhD study!