The RUNSAFE research group

RUNSAFE is a Danish research group with primary interest in running-related injuries. Since 2010, we have conducted studies including runners in all shapes and sizes. We wish to develop novel, motivating running schedules, which can be used by all runners regardless of their experience. 

RUNSAFE is mainly affiliated at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University, with close collaboration to researchers at the University of Copenhagen, University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University, and the University hospitals in Aarhus and Aalborg.

The purpose of RUNSAFE is to establish a Danish research direction with strong international collaborators with the primary focus on running injury etiology, prevention and treatment, which

  • Represents excellence within running-related injury research
  • Supports and develops initiatives,which aims to create a web-based solution for large-scale data collections and data storage from runners in Denmark and the rest of the world
  • Values to importance of dissemination and implementing evidence-based knowledge in clinical practise and running communities through collaborations with companies, organisations and athletic federations
  • completes courses in "running injuries" at universities targeted students of medicine, sports science and physiotherapy
  • Contributes to the education of students, runners, coaches and clinicians

Main competencies

"Our main competencies is our ability to complete large-scale prospective cohort studies and intervention trials. This is possible, because we use web-based data collection tools to gather data on running training and injury status. On top, we are extremely skilled within biostatistics and epidemiology, which enables for in-depth analyses of the data.

We are multidisciplinary with researchers from medicine, physiotherapy, sport physiology, psychology, midwifery, biomechanics, biostatistics, epidemiology and software development, which enables for different viewpoints on the research questions and methodologies".

Rasmus Oestergaard Nielsen
Research coordinator of RUNSAFE