The RUNSAFE Research group is organised with a responsible leader, a management group and a research coordinator. Research is conducted through each of the 4 work packages, of which each is managed by one or two leaders; there are international collaborators, commercial partners, sports organisations and –federations. RUNSAFE treatment assists in diagnostics and treatment of injured runners included in Danish research projects.
Head of Department of Public Health, Aarhus University, Søren Kjærgaard is the leader of RUNSAFE. His task is to ensure, that all economical dispositions are handled correctly and to engage in dialogues with the management group and the research coordinator regarding funding applications, data sharing, and central issues that are not directly related to each research project or research question.
Post Doc. Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen from Aarhus University is research coordinator for RUNSAFE. On top, he is the leader of WP1. His task is to ensure that all researchers in the RUNSAFE group have a common understanding of the purpose, procedures and deadlines, and that the management group, the sports organisations, the commercial partners and the students meet, knowledge-share and discuss loose ends. In such way, the research coordinator must ensure that all persons in RUNSAFE are updated on the latest activities, publications and organisational decisions. In addition, the research coordinator is responsible for the contact to the mass media, including drafting press releases.
A management group of senior researchers assists responsible leader, Søren Kjærgaard:
The task of the management group is to keep themselves up-to-date with publications, work force, research projects and funding in the four work packages of RUNSAFE. The management group is capable of re-structuring the RUNSAFE organization, including expanding or reducing the number of work packages and approving collaborations with external public or private stakeholders. In addition, the management group must develop and agree upon short-term plans (18-month plans) as well as a strategy for a 5-year period, including aims, vision, mission and milestones.