Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen


Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen is positioned as a Post Doctoral Researcher at Department of Public Health Aarhus University. Here, Rasmus teaches epidemiology and basic biostatistics for sports science- and medical students.

RUNSAFE affiliation:

In RUNSAFE, Rasmus is the research coordinator. He ensures that all researchers in the RUNSAFE group have a common understanding of the RUNSAFE mission, scientific procedures and deadlines, and that the management group, the sports organisations, the commercial partners and the students meet, knowledge-share and discuss loose ends. In such way, the research coordinator must ensure that all persons in RUNSAFE are updated on the latest activities, publications and organisational decisions. Further, Rasmus is responsible for the contact to the mass media, including drafting press releases. Ultimately, Rasmus is leader of work package 1, etiology and prevention.


BSc in Physical Therapy from the School of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy in Aarhus, Denmark.
The bachelor thesis was entitled “Pronation during midsupport in Runners“. 

MSc of Health Science from Faculty of Health, Aarhus University, Denmark
The master thesis was entitled “Can GPS be used to detect deleterious training patterns among runners?”.

Ph.D. in Health Science at Department of Public Health, Aarhus University, Denmark.
The thesis was entitled “Risk factors for overuse injuries in Novice Runners with emphasis on weekly running distance and foot posture”.




Contact Rasmus

Email: Roen@ph.au.dk

Recent publications

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